How to apply membership dues waivers

How to apply membership dues waivers

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  1. Locate Contact record
  2. Identify Sales Order to which dues amount waivers should apply
    1. Or if needed, Generate Bundle to create the Sales Order
  3. From the Quick Links view the list of Sales Orders
  4. Open the Sales Order list
  5. Select the applicable Sales Order
  6. Confirm the Sales Order Line items and Total amount
  7. Change the Status from Closed to Open and select Save
  8. From the Sales Order Lines box on the right side
  9. Select the dropdown arrow by each individual applicable Sales Order line, one by one
    1. Select Edit
    2. An Edit Sales Order Line Dialog Box will pop up
    3. In the Sales Price Field, delete the existing amount and type in the waiver amount
    4. Check the Price Override Box
    5. Select Save
  10. Once all applicable lines have been edited and saved, return to the Sales Order
  11. Select View All from the Sales Order Line box on the right
  12. Confirm that the individual line Sales Price is as expected
  13. Also confirm the individual line Totals are as expected
  14. Return to the Sales Order
  15. Confirm the Total amount listed for the Sales Order isĀ  as expected
  16. Change the Sales Order Status from Open to back to Closed
  17. Add a note regarding the waiver by selecting Notes in the Quick Links
  18. Select New
  19. Type comments for the Note and Done
  20. Return to the Contact record and confirm that the Note was added