Creating a new account

Creating a new account

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If the company does not exist in the database, you can add the account record following the below steps.

To add an account:

  1. From the Home screen, click on the Accounts tab or Launch Accounts from the App Launcher.

       2. On the Accounts screen, click New to add an account record.

    This will open a pop-up window for adding the details of the account.


       3. Complete all relevant sections.  Note: the asterisk ("*") indicates required fields, (i.e. Account Name).

            a.  Please be sure to include a Billing Address.  If needed, a different address for Shipping can also be added.

            b.  If the Billing and Shipping addresses are the same, add them to both sections

            c.  Make a selection for the Account Primary Address Type is displaying

       4. Once complete, click Save.***


Before saving confrim that the Account Primary Address Type is defaulted to "Billing."

If no selection is made, before to select using the drop down and select "Billing" or "Shipping"  

To add an account while creating a contact record:

Click on New Account in the Account Name drop-down, and follow steps 3 and 4 above.

VIDEO TUTORIAL: Creating an Account