

Video tutorial:  Refunds.mp4

  1. Select Finance from the App Launcher.
  2. Select the Receipts tab.
  3. Click the down arrow to the right of Recently Viewed and select All.
  4. Go to receipt that needs a refund.
  5. Click on receipt number.
  6. Click Create Refund button in top right-hand corner.
  7. A pop-up will be displayed saying a refund has been created.
  8. Click the View Refund button.
  9. A new receipt gets created so you have 2 receipts; one will be a refund receipt.
  10. Scroll down on the refund receipt page and the Is Refund field is checked. The amount of refund is listed below. Note: If you do not see this, you may not have sufficient rights. Please contact Product Strategy at digitalsupport@aia.org.
  11. Click drop down next to the Create Refund button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select Process Refund.
  12. The refund will be credited back to the contact's credit card.

Fonteva User Guide - Refunds

Partial refund steps

Video Tutorial: Partial Refund.mp4

  1. Select Finance from the App Launcher.
  2. Select the Receipts tab.
  3. Click the down arrow to the right of Recently Viewed and select All.
  4. Go to receipt that needs a refund or to the contact record.
  5. Click on receipt number.
  6. Click Create Refund button in top right-hand corner.
  7. A pop-up will be displayed saying a refund has been created.
  8. Click the View Refund button.
  9. A new receipt gets created so you have 2 receipts; one will be a refund receipt.
  10. Scroll down on the refund receipt page and the Is Refund field is checked. The amount of refund is listed below.
  11. Don’t process
  12. Locate the Receipt Lines related list.
  13. Click the drop-down arrow at the far right of the Receipt Line you want to apply a partial refund to.
  14. Select Edit.
  15. Enter the amount to be refunded in the Sale Price field and the Total field.
  16. Click Save.
  17. Edit the receipt that you will not be funding and change the Sale Price & Total to $0.nd adjust price.
  18. Click the Process Refund action to process credit card refunds made via Payment Gateway.
  19. Refresh the page to view the updated the Receipt record.
  20. Click the Customer Receipt button to view the Refund Receipt to be sent to customers.

Note: What you don’t want refunded, you always zero out.

Fonteva user guide - partial refund