Status Changes

Status Changes

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There are two specific status changes for AIA members.  The member can have an upgrade from Associate to Architect, or transition from long-term member to Emeritus status.  Please follow the steps below to perform the appropriate status change.  

Upgrade to Architect

Step 1: Login to Fonteva.  You will land on the Home page.

Step 2: Search for the contact (member record) that you want to upgrade through the global search box or the Contacts Tab.  Once selected, the contact record will appear.

Step 3: Validate the contact information, in the Related list quick Links to know the current subscription.

(The information will be displayed in the following tabs: Sales Orders, Subscription Lines, Receipts, Badges, Memberships, and Membership Type)

Step 4: Click the upgrade button to initiate the upgrade process.

Step 5: A new form will pop-up with the required fields that needs to be filled out to complete the upgrade. Once all the information is entered, click Upgrade. 

(You may verify license information through the hyperlinked Verify License Info button.  This link will direct you to the NCARB website.)

The system will show the following message:

Step 6: Validate the contact information in the Related List Quick Links to confirm the upgrade has been successfully completed.

(The information will be displayed in the following tabs: Sales Orders, Subscription Lines, Receipts, Badges, Memberships, and Membership Type)

Step 7:  You will see that the previous membership has been cancelled and the new membership selected in the upgrade has been created.

Step 8: You will see that new badges have been assigned to this member and all previous badges have been deactivated.

Step 9: As it is a $0 upgrade, so the receipt has been automatically created and posted.

Upgrade to Emeritus

Step 1. Log into Fonteva.

Step 2. Search for the contact (member record) to be upgraded to Emeritus through the global search box or the Contacts Tab.  Once selected, the contact record will appear.

Step 3. Validate the contact information in the Related List Quick Links to verify the current subscription.

(The information will be displayed in the following tabs: Sales Orders, Subscription Lines, Receipts, Badges, Memberships, and Membership Type)

Step 4. In the Membership section, click the Edit pencil to the right of the Emeritus checkbox.  

This will allow the Emeritus status to be updated.

Step 5. Select the checkbox.  Click Save.

Step 6. Validate the update has been reflected within the contact information section (AIA Designation and Certificate Name).

Step 7. Validate the Emeritus price rules are applied to the member's sales order by utilizing Rapid Order Entry. 

On the contact record, click on the down arrow in the top right of the record.  Select the Rapid Order Entry option to open a new sales order.

Add a line item by searching within the Item Quick Add box.  The Select Plan should appear as "Dues - Payment in Full."

Once added to the sales order, both the membership line item price and the total items price should be listed as "Free."

The sales order can be deleted afterwards by selecting Exit. 

Click the Delete button from the sales order record to remove the sales order from the contact record.

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