Contact Sections

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When adding a contact, there will be several sections to consider.  Please see the details of those sections below.

  1. In the Contact Information section, the following fields are listed:

The Salutation, First name, Middle name, Last name and Suffix will appear on the membership certificate.

  • Salutation (Prefix) - Select the prefix in the list of drop down options.
  • First name - Enter the first name.
  • Middle name - Enter the middle name.
  • Last name - Enter the last name.  This is a required field.
  • Suffix - if applicable, Enter the suffix of the contact.
  • Preferred name (Badge name) - Enter the preferred name for future Events' name badges.
  • Accessibility - Select the accessibility option by clicking on the item and moving it to the chosen field by using the arrows.  Use arrows to toggle options for final selection.

       2. In the Membership Information section, the following fields are listed:

In the future, these fields will be triggered to automatically populate when you purchase a subscription.

  • State chapter - Select the associated State Chapter.
  • Local chapter - Select the associated Local Chapter.
  • Local Code - Select the associated Local Code.
  • Region - If applicable, Select the associated Region.
  • Member since date - If known, Enter the date the Membership began.  The system will populate this field upon the successful membership subscription.
  • Membership type - Select Membership Type.  
  • Status - Select Status.
  • Emeritus checkbox - Click on Emeritus checkbox if the contact is an Emeritus member.

Scrolling further down there are fields that are involved in the automatic updating process.

When the Membership Zip Code Assignment and Membership Country Assignment are successfully completed, the Assignment fields will auto-populate (National Assignment, State Assignment, Local Assignment, and/or Section Assignment). 

The membership assignment fields along with the membership type triggers the creation of the membership sales order via the Generate Bundling button.

  • Membership Zip Code Assignment - Enter the primary zip code.  The contact's membership will be based upon the zip code entered. 
  • Membership Country Assignment - Enter the primary country.  The contact's membership will be based upon the country entered.
  • National Assignment (MA) - This field will auto-populate once the Membership Zip Code Assignment and Membership Country Assignment fields have been completed.
  • Local Assignment (MA) - This field will auto-populate once the Membership Zip Code Assignment and Membership Country Assignment fields have been completed.
  • Licensure Status - Select the status of the license.
  • Years of AIA Membership - This field will be automatically calculated according to the Member Since Date.
  • Upgrade to Architect - This is the date in which an Associate upgraded to an Architect.
  • State Assignment (MA) - This field will auto-populate once the Membership Zip Code Assignment and Membership Country Assignment fields have been completed.
  • Section Assignment (MA) - This field will auto-populate once the Membership Zip Code Assignment and Membership Country Assignment fields have been completed.
  • Join Supervisor - Enter the name of the contact's supervisor.
  • Join Supervisor Email - Enter the email address of contact's supervisor.
  • Alternative Licensure Path checkbox (y/n) - Check the box to indicate this contact's involvement in the New Grad Expansion program.  This field will also impact pricing rules for New Grads.
  • Membership Expire Date - This field will be automatically calculated depending upon the current or past membership details. 

Note: MA stands for Membership Assignment area.

       3. In the Fellowship section, the following fields are listed:

  • Fellow checkbox (y/n) - Click on Fellow checkbox if the contact is a Fellow member.
  • Fellow Object Area - Select the fellow Object Area.
  • Fellow Class Year - Select the year of fellowship.

       4. In the Continuing Education section, the following fields are listed:

  • CES Audit - Select the CES Auditing status of the contact.

       5. In the Join Degree & License section, the following fields are listed:

  • Join College - Search for and/or Add the college in search field.
  • Join Degree Type - Select the degree type.
  • Join Degree Specialty - If applicable, select the degree specialty.  This field can be utilized when the Join Degree Type has been selected as Other and/or Unspecified.
  • Join Grad Date - Enter graduation date.  This information is used to determine the pricing rules for new graduates.
  • NAAB checkbox (y/n) - Check the box to indicate the degree as a NAAB degree.
  • Join License Number - Enter license number.
  • Join License State - Select license state.
  • Join License Country - Select license country.
  • Join License Date - Enter the license date.

       6. In the Primary Contact Information section, the following fields are listed:

This information is automatically populated with the Preferred Address during the initial contact submission.

  • National Assignment (PA) 
  • State Assignment (PA)
  • Local Assignment (PA)
  • Section Assignment (PA)

       7. In the Address section, the following fields are listed:

  • Do not contact by post checkbox - Check the box if the contact prefers not to be contacted by mail.
  • Home Address search field (Geopointe) - Search for the address.  This field has geopointe functionality that will validate the address.  Once saved, the full address will populate in the individual address fields.
  • Home Country - Select home country.
  • Home Street - Enter home street address.
  • Home City - Enter home city.
  • Home State/Province - Enter home state/province.
  • Home Zip/Postal Code - Enter zip code.

  • Primary Address Type - Select the primary address indicated by the contact.  This information will automatically populate the Primary Contact section.
  • Home International State/Province - If applicable, enter the international state/province.
  • Home Address Latitude - This field will be automatically populated by the geopointe functionality.
  • Home Address Longitude - This field will be automatically populated by the geopointe functionality.
  • Home Congressional District - Enter the home congressional district.

       8. In the Phone section, the following fields are listed:

  • Do not contact by phone checkbox (y/n) - Check the box if the contact prefers not to be contacted by phone.
  • Primary Phone Type - Select the primary phone type.
  • Home Phone Country - Select the home phone country.
  • Home Phone - Enter the ten digit home phone number.
  • Work Phone Country - Select the work phone country.
  • Work Phone - Enter the ten digit work phone number.
  • Mobile Phone Country - Select the mobile phone country.
  • Mobile - Enter the ten digit home phone number.

       9. In the Email section, the following fields are listed:

  • Do not contact by email checkbox (y/n) - Check the box to indicate the contact prefers not to be contacted by email address.
  • Do not contact for survey checkbox (y/n) - Check the box to indicate the contact prefers not to be contacted for surveys.  This will affect communications from all AIA departments.
  • Personal Email - Enter the personal email address.
  • Work Email - Enter the work email address.
  • Primary Email Type - Select the primary email type.

       10. In the Advocacy section, the following fields are listed:

This section is utilized by Advocacy.

  • House district
  • Senate district
  • State senate
  • Municipal district
  • County district
  • State house

       11. In the Interest section, the following field is listed:

This section is utilized by Contract Documents.

  • Interest

       12. In the Licensure section, the following fields are listed:

  • NCARB Record Number - Enter the NCARB record number.
  • NCARB Certificate Number - Enter the NCARB certificate number.

       13. In the Other Credentials section, the following fields are listed:

  • RIBA Number - Enter the Royal Institute of British Architects number.
  • GCBI Number - Enter the Green Business Certification Inc number.
  • USGBC Local Member (Individual) checkbox - Check the box to indicate United States Green Building Council local membership.
  • USGBC National Member (Company) - Check the box to indicate USGBC local membership.
  • Other Credentials - Enter any additional credentials.

       14. In the Career section, the following fields are listed:

If left blank, the account will default to a personal household account (i.e. "John Doe Person").

  • Account Name - Search for or add the associated account.  Adding the account name will link the account record to the contact record.
  • Job Role - Select job role(s) by clicking on the item and moving it to the chosen field by using the arrows.  Use arrows to toggle options for final selection. 
  • Role - Select role.
  • Title - Enter title.
  • Career Type - Select the career type.  This field will be utilized by certain community groups (chapters) to apply special pricing rules for membership. 

       15. In the Demographics section, the following fields are listed:

This information is additional details voluntarily submitted by the contact.  These fields were suggested and approved by Diversity and Inclusion.

  • Diverse ability - Select any diverse abilities.
  • Ability Notes - Enter details of diverse abilities.

  • Gender - Select gender.
  • Gender (Self-describe) - If applicable, enter self-described gender information.
  • Ethnicity - Select ethnicity.
  • Ethnicity (Self-describe) - If applicable, enter self-described ethnicity information.
  • LGBT checkbox - Check the box to indicate the contact supports the LGBT community.
  • Birthdate - Enter the birthdate.
  • Deceased checkbox - Check the box if the contact is deceased.
  • Deceased Date - Enter the deceased date.

       16. In the Profile section, the following fields are listed:

This information can be seen on and updated through My Profile. 

  • Bio - Enter biographical information about the contact.
  • Website - Enter the full website (i.e. "").
  • Directory Opt Out checkbox - Check the box to indicate the contact does not want to appear in the member directory.
  • Do Not Solicit checkbox - Check the box to indicate the contact information will not be shared with outside vendors.
  • Facebook - Enter Facebook name to link Facebook account information.
  • LinkedIn - Enter LinkedIn name to link LinkedIn account information.
  • Twitter - Enter Twitter name to link Twitter account information.
  • Instagram - Enter Instagram name to link the Instagram account information.

       17. In the Engagement section, the following fields are listed:

Information cannot be entered, but the calculations can be viewed to determine the contact's level of engagement. 

  • Annual Engagement Score - This is a calculated field using departmental metrics across the AIA organization.  This number considers the various interactions between the contact and the AIA.
  • Lifetime Engagement Score - This is a calculated field using departmental metrics across the AIA organization.  This number considers the various interactions between the contact and the AIA.

These fields are systematically updated.