How to use Join Button for Manual Join or Reinstate Process

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Step-by-step guide

  1. Select Contacts Item 
  2. To create a new Contact, select New 
  3. At a minimum, name and email address are required
  4. Can add all contact information, if available or at at the end of Join button process
  5. Select Join Button (to manually create a membership)
  6. Provide data requested in Join Button Forms
  7. Once complete will see Sales Order amounts
  8. Save
  9. Return to Contact Item
  10. Close the Open Sales Order
  11. Process Payment
  12. Review Contact Data Fields
  13. Should see data for Membership Type, Status, Receipt Lines, Sales Order, and Badges
  14. To Reinstate, locate contact record
  15. Update any data fields as needed
  16. Beginning with Step 5 - Select Join Button - complete same procedures for creating a membership

Create a New Contact

At a minimum, add name, email, and phone to new contact

Select Join Button and complete Join Button data fields

View Sales Order Created

Close Sales Order and Process Payment

Review Membership data fields

To manually Reinstate a membership

Locate Terminated contact record

Update with any available information

Select Join Button and continue with Step 5 above